Thursday, April 30, 2009

Malaysia Boss on 29 Apr 2009

The guild killed a Scarlion yesterday. We were able to do it with special thanks to Owlstarr!
Thanks to Nickshadow also for appearing out of nowhere when we needed a DK!
Thanks to all those who were there! Thanks to the Scarlion for giving us 4 helms!

Anyway, the PT line up was as such:

PT 1:

PT 2:
Babyfr3sh (afker)

The milestone was as such:
B1 down - 12th minute
b2 down - 28th minute
b3 down - 46th minute

Important Lessons learnt when fighting Scarlion:
  1. Have a good rest the night before as fighting bosses might put you to sleep
  2. Try to have 2 DKs, in case of DCs
  3. Try to have more than 1 rusher, in case of DCs
  4. Try to have a haster for the rusher, as there are times then the rusher is behind the scarlion after a unsuccessful rush and needs to walk back to the front to rush again
  5. Try to have 2BSs that can ress (in case 1 BS dies)
  6. Beware of Confusion (Status cast by scarlion that causes you to walk in the opposite direction you intend to)
  7. If you are a melee attacker, watch out for the BS, if the BS flies to the other side of the map after being slapped by the Scarlion, you will need to self pot!
  8. If you do not have at least 8k hp, please avoid touching the Scarlion body during B3. Mages/BS recommended to on MG at all times.
  9. To down the scarlion faster, you need to:
  • Bring more ciders (have mages or mules carry them if you need to)
  • Have more PROs in the PT
  • Have XBMs or BMs with a good SE lvl in the main attacking PT
  • Try not to die
  • Try not to go toilet halfway while bossing
For those who want to try MY Bossing, hope what I had written helps, and good luck!

Guild Insanity Rox!

1 comment:

  1. hahaahhaa
    i like this x) 'Try not to go toilet halfway while bossing'
