Monday, April 6, 2009


Hey All!! Just sharing an experience and i like typing stories. So bare with me. HEH!

Yesternight. Pea, Fresh, Story, Wonder(Peasao) and Me went to tackle once again the ZAKUM PREQUEST(use a very low scary tone voice). It was a first for Story and I hope we made the excruciating experience a memorable one. =/

First stage as usually went okay, with me losing my paper and Fresh not knowing where his one year ago paper went. So it was up to Pea and Peasao to guide us. Almost died because of that dumb mobs that appear out of the boxes.

YAY FOR SECOND STAGE. This being my second time i was not excited. Cause the first time took almost the whole of a saturday afternoon till Pea made Peasao jump for him, and i got hungry and NuahNuah felt like crying. HAHA This time, i dced, i lagged and died, had to do stage one again. Felt like shit, thought maybe i should do it another day cause i still lagged. But guessed what. I finish first~ (Does a chant) I would like to thank WonderMahou for being there for me. Supporting me. Being just the best Bishop in maple. HAHA okay i was serious.

So Pea, Peasao and I finished that stage. Fresh and Story were having loads of problems. Since Fresh has never done it by Himself(lol). I think Story did really well! At that situation and circumstance i would have given up. Having everyone gone to stage 2 of the jump quest, alone and falling. I would have felt stressed and given up. Though he said so too, he didnt give up!
But yea in the end Peasao and I jumped for them. =/

Well that was that. And we all have finished our Zak Prequest. YAY FOR US!

TODAY. Just wanted to upload the mega's BabySharen mega-ed.

Such sweet mega-s. And look at the couple. AWWW!!! So cute la. :D Thanks Sharen and I'm sure whole of insanity thanks you.

But as usually there were some spoiled beans that said ' Your mega made me lag' and decided to defame sharen. She got defamed 4 times. And BOTAK is scary who has 21 characters, went to fame Sharen back. =/ Thats really scary. So thank you Botak for taking care of Sharen.

Oh and might I add.

NARUTO! Why is Grandal the Great the biggest! NO FAIR? Just Cause there's endless amounts of mages does not mean his head has to be the biggest. Sorry about my flying penguin. I had to jump down from bigger ben to get a nice shot. :)

Thats all folks! Hope the story wasn't too bad. phephe signing off ~ INSANITY IS <3>

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