Saturday, May 2, 2009

Some Guild Bitesized Updates (2 May 2009)

(Moo: sorry to stray away from my usual guides :P)
  1. Alfred89 has become an Archmage (I/L). BabyFr3sh has become a Priest. Ronieobb has become a Crusader. Congratulations to these new 3rd/4th jobbers!
  2. Elnovo and elnova are getting married tomorrow @ Channel 13 Wedding Town, 9pm, support their wedding by leaving your IGN in their guild bbs thread for invites. Congratulations to these newlyweds-to-be!


  1. Grats to Elnova and Elnovo, sorry I might not be able to make it for the wedding as I may have zakum. sorry

  2. i hope u can make it or get pea sao to represent u
